Who We Are

Overseen by a committed and diverse Board of Directors, HealthCare Access Maryland (HCAM) HCAM is a unique nonprofit devoted to improving health and advancing health equity in Maryland in two ways. We help individuals and families enroll in affordable health coverage, and we work with them one-on-one to remove barriers to health and health care access. We serve communities disproportionately impacted by burdens such as high infant mortality, chronic health conditions, and stigma. Every year, our teams provide personal assistance to more than 80,000 individuals across Maryland and offer expert guidance, compassionate support, health education, and advocacy to ensure every Marylander has an equal opportunity to be healthy.

HCAM has been improving health and health equity in Maryland since 1997, when we were established under the name Baltimore HealthCare Access. We were originally founded to assist with the Medicaid transition to managed care and have expanded our scope since then as we identify and respond to community needs. We adopted our current name in 2011, and in 2013, we became a Connector Entity for the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange under the Affordable Care Act. This remains one of our key roles.

HCAM recently developed the HealthLink care coordination model, which offers provider institutions a cost-effective way to show results under the state’s All-Payer system by reducing expensive readmissions and unnecessary emergency department visits.

Explore our website and let us know how we can connect you to better health.