Health Care Access Maryland and Lifebridge “report out” first year results of Access Health Program to CHRC

On October 8, 2015, CHRC grantee HealthCare Access Maryland (HCAM) and their hospital partner, Lifebridge Health/Sinai Hospital, presented an update on implementation of the Access Health program, which targets super-utilizers of the Sinai Emergency Department and is supported by a CHRC grant awarded in FY 2014 for $800,000.  The project began implementation in June 2014 and has enrolled 318 individuals.  These participants have been divided into three risk-stratified groups: (1) High utilizer (10 or more ED visits in 4 months); (2) At risk (3 or more ED visits in 4 months); and (3) Low risk (uninsured, one to two visits).  As part of its evaluation, the program compared the volume of ED visits generated by the at-risk group (140 individuals) pre-enrollment (for 4 months) and post-enrollment (for 4 months).  This comparison showed a 55% reduction in ED visits and a 53% reduction in inpatient stays for these 140 individuals, which translates into total cost savings/avoided charges of $694,184 as of June 5, 2015.  

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